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A subpoena is a formal document that orders the named person to appear in court at a specified date and time. If you receive a subpoena from the District Attorney’s Office please contact the number listed on your subpoena to confirm your appearance. If you have questions related to the subpoena or you have been subpoenaed by the defense, please call the DA's Office. If your telephone number(s) or physical address have changed, please notify the DA's office as soon as possible so that your information can be updated and we can notify you of any schedule changes.

Going to the Courthouse

A subpoena is an order from the court to appear for a proceeding. If you receive a subpoena, be prepared to be at the courthouse for several hours at a minimum, to all day. You cannot be released from your appearance in court until the Judge releases you. Please bring your subpoena with you to court. 


Courthouse Security

The Oklahoma County Sheriff's Office provides courthouse security. Please be prepared to have your bags scanned and to walk through a metal detector. The following items are prohibited in the courthouse: weapons of any kind; knives of any size; chemical sprays; laser pointers; firearms and ammunition. Deputies may also prohibit possession of any other items or materials they deem dangerous or otherwise inappropriate. 



There are multiple parking garages near the courthouse and some require cash. The DA's Office cannot pay for or reimburse you to park. Additionally, we cannot get a parking ticket dismissed. There is street parking that is metered. Be advised that even if you plug the meter, you can be ticketed for parking on the street all day. Click here for a list of parking garages located near the courthouse. â€‹

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