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Diversion, or Treatment, Courts are an innovative alternative to incarceration with an emphasis on accountability, intensive monitoring and treatment for individuals charged with felony offenses. Diversion Court is not a pass. It is an intense program with the goal of getting individuals the treatment and resources they need to avoid criminal behavior and be successful citizens. 


Diversion Courts are the most successful and efficient programs in our criminal justice system. Participants enter the program often facing long prison sentences, but because of the combination of treatment and accountability they receive, they are now reuniting with their families, employed and thriving in our communities.

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Participants in the programs below are high risk and high need. These courts offer the highest judicial supervision and accountability.

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Drug Court

Drug Court is a court-supervised, comprehensive treatment program for non-violent defendants with alcohol and/or drug addiction.

  • 5 phase program that lasts 18-36 months

  • Individual treatment plans

  • Random UA testing up to 10 times per month

  • GED and employment requirement

  • Charge(s) dismissed upon completion


ReMerge serves mothers of minor children who are facing non-violent felony charges in Oklahoma County. ReMerge mothers are high-risk, high-need, meaning that without substantial treatment and support, they are unlikely to break the cycles of incarceration, addiction, and poverty. ReMerge utilizes evidence-based treatment and programming to provide individualized, wrap-around services for mothers and their families.


Veteran Treatment Court (VTC) is for high-risk and high-need veterans with felony charges that require judicial oversight and more supervision.

  • Participants cannot have a dishonorable discharge

  • Same components as Drug Court plus interlock required for DUI's

The programs below do not require high-risk and/or high-need. A participant's risk and need levels can vary.


Diversion, Recovery, Engagement and Mental Support (DREAMS) Court (formally known as Drug Court) provides eligible offenders the opportunity to participate in a highly structured, court supervised treatment program in lieu of incarceration. The primary goal of DREAMS Court is medication compliance. 

  • All risk and need levels can enter the program as long as there is a serious mental illness diagnosis.

  • The program is open to misdemeanor and felony offenders.

  • Abstinence from drugs and alcohol is encouraged and testing is done regularly to ensure substance use is detected quickly and reliably.


Participants in DUI Court have a high risk of getting another DUI but who generally want to comply with court orders. 

  • DUI Court program requirements are the same as Drug Court

  • Alcohol is closely monitored by mobile breath devices.

  • A breathalyzer is required for all participants that own their own vehicle.


Community Sentencing is a court ordered diversion program designed to assist individuals by providing supervision, treatment services, personal development, and employment assistance. 

  • If an offender is eligible, the Court will sentence the defendant to Community Sentencing as a condition of a deferred or suspended sentence.

  • A plan for each offender is developed and implemented.

  • Probation compliance is monitored and referrals are made to community-based resources in accordance with each offender's plan.


The Veterans Diversion Program is for low-risk and low or moderate need veterans with misdemeanor charge(s) for first-time offenders. 

  • The program lasts 12-24 months.

  • A treatment plan is created specific to each veteran and their needs. 

  • There are weekly in-person reporting requirements and monthly UA requirements.

  • Restitution must be paid in full prior to graduation.


Co-op provides mental health treatment services in the community through court-ordered judicial supervision for defendants who are in jail but would be better served by community services.

  • Individual reports to treatment as required

  • The judge, Assistant District Attorney and Assistant Public Defender review the individual's progress monthly. 

  • CO-OP can take up to a year, if necessary. 


Misdemeanor Diversion provides the flexibility to divert an individual charged with a misdemeanor(s) into treatment services. The idea is to provide substance abuse and mental health treatment services in an effort to decrease future involvement with the criminal justice system. â€‹

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